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The International Association for the Study of Pain

A Tale of Two Trajectories: Progress and Pitfalls Rehabilitating Youth with Chronic Pain and Comorbid Functional Neurological Disorders

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

1:45 pm

02 October 2023

Room 501

Intended Audiences

Clinical Practice

Session Description

The panel includes interdisciplinary professionals working in pediatric chronic pain and co-morbid functional neurologic disorders (FND). We will begin with a brief review of evidence-based diagnosis and treatment of youth with chronic pain and FND. Then, a clinical pathway for FND treatment will be discussed through a case of a child with chronic pain comorbid psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES), including a review of the latest evidence. Finally, we will present 2 pediatric cases with similar presentations – one with successful outcomes and another with refractory symptoms. Evidence-based recommendations and challenges in this population will be discussed. Patient videos will be used to demonstrate symptom presentation and treatment progress. The presentations will be under 10 minutes to allow sufficient time for a Q&A session and audience engagement. During Q&A Ms. Nicholson will serve as a moderator and ask questions to generate discussion among panelists and the audience. Questions will aim to 1) elicit expert opinion, 2) discuss characteristics among individuals with treatment refractory symptoms, 3) discuss treatment options for youth refractory to clinical pathways, and 4) highlight gaps in knowledge requiring future research. The audience will be encouraged to participate throughout and provided opportunities to contribute questions or cases to the discussion. 

