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The International Association for the Study of Pain

Panel Discussion: Harnessing the Power of Digital Health Technologies for Pediatric Acute and Chronic Pain

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

11:15 am

02 October 2023

Room 507

Intended Audiences

Clinical Research

Session Description

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, conventional approaches to healthcare were challenged, and the world saw an unprecedented acceleration in the development and uptake of innovative digital solutions targeting pediatric pain. Hosted by Dr William Zempsky (USA), speakers Dr. Jennifer Stinson (Canada), Nicole Pope (Australia), and Zahra Alidina (Canada) will highlight initiatives and inspire interactive discussions about leveraging digital health interventions as tools to address pediatric pain in acute care and outpatient settings. Dr. Stinson will share insights into creating and co-designing Youth PoP to empower youth with rapid access to early, flexible, and individualized chronic pain interventions to improve quality of life and function. Nicole will discuss leveraging hospital-based digital health technologies to drive biopsychosocial and developmentally targeted care and highlight pain as a priority. The expert panelists will share their visions for interoperable systems that integrate hospital and virtual care solutions for pediatric pain to promote the wide adoption of digital health solutions, support individualized care, and improve outcomes for children and families.

