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The International Association for the Study of Pain

Making Virtual Reality a “Reality” in Pediatric Pain Care



1:45 pm

04 October 2023

Room 506

Intended Audiences


Session Description

Virtual reality (VR) has been studied over the past 20 years as a powerful tool for minimizing acute and chronic pain in children. Despite this evidence, immersive VR has not been widely adopted in clinical practice. This workshop will provide a brief overview of history of VR in pediatric pain; describe the development, mission, and growth of INOVATE-Pain, a multisite collaborative network committed to advancing research and development of immersive technologies in the treatment of pediatric pain; discuss evidence on impact of VR on clinical outcomes and recommendations for conduct of clinical trials using VR and provide specific examples of co-design and evaluation of VR for chronic pain rehab and school re-entry. Presenters will include examples of successful implementation and evaluation of VR interventions for pediatric pain as well as highlight lessons learned from challenges along the way. Addressing the conference theme of "Better Together," presenters will describe how they have forged partnerships with stakeholders (e.g. patients, philanthropic funders) and technology experts (e.g. software developers) to improve pediatric pain care through strategic partnerships. Recommendations will also be made on strategies to help scale the implementation of VR as a clinical tool in everyday practice.

