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The International Association for the Study of Pain

Core methods, outcomes and scaling clinical implementation of immersive technologies for pediatric acute and chronic pain

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Clinical Research

Abstract Description

Dr. Stinson will determine best practices for Immersive Technologies (IT) with respect to research methods, outcome measures to use to evaluate impact, and how to scale up implementation of use for children with acute and chronic pain.  Phase 1 was a systematic review to summarize existing information about IT research methods, effectiveness, and clinical implementation. Phase 2 was an electronic survey of experts to reach agreement on current research methods, outcome measures used, gaps in IT research, and barriers and facilitators to implementation using information gathered from step 1. Information from these 2 steps were use guide a consensus meeting. In Phase 3, a face-to-face meeting, amongst experts and people with acute and chronic pain to reach agreement on the best practices on how to evaluate (through a core set of outcomes) and scale up implementation of IT to treat chronic pain. Also, we aim to (a) develop a toolkit for researchers and clinicians to guide the implementation of IT treatments for children and adults with chronic pain and b) identify a plan to address the gaps in research. Finally, we develop a plan for quickly and effectively informing key stakeholders about the results of this work. 

