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The International Association for the Study of Pain

Mindful distraction and guided imagery in the procedure room: Skills for the child, the parent and the multidisciplinary team.


Abstract Description

Globally, the command ‘Just Relax’ rolls off the tongue of health professionals as they interact with frightened children and adolescents.  Unfortunately people don’t tend to relax when instructed especially in a threatening environment.  Mindful distraction is a variant of progressive muscle relaxation without the emphasis or the need to ‘relax’.  This simple technique shifts attention (distraction) in an anatomical sequence from toes to finger-tips while focussing on breathing and mindfulness.  Attendees will receive a single-page outline of the technique, which can be translated as required and also given to parents to practice.The guided imagery technique attendees will observe and practice is interactive and conversational rather than ‘imagery scripts’.  The child chooses what she or he would like to imagine and describes the scene.  As the imagery develops the health professional guides and is guided by what is unfolding in the child’s imagery. These techniques can be used in emotionally challenging situations to develop a sense of being in control.  In the context of managing procedural pain, both techniques can be combined with appropriate pharmacological intervention aimed at the sensory aspects of pain while distraction and imagery supplement and engage the cognitive.

