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The International Association for the Study of Pain

Centering Patient Voices in Developing Tools to Address Pain Related School Impairment: A Phase-I Study of a VR School Simulation. -MO70

Poster Abstract

Abstract Description

Institution: Boston Children's Hospital - Massachusetts, USA

The process of developing VR based digital health interventions should start with understanding the patient’s perceptive of the problem. In this study we employed focus group methodology to identify salient physical and psychological barriers to school functioning, to inform targets to include within the VR school intervention. We conducted 4 focus groups of current and recent patients in an intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment program with a focus on challenges and successes around managing pain in the school setting. Themes emerging from these focus groups included Academic Challenges/Solutions to coping with pain in the school setting, Physical Challenges/Solutions to coping with pain in the school setting, Peer Challenges/Solutions to coping with pain in the school setting, Teacher Challenges/Solutions to coping with pain in the school setting. Results are being used to inform the development of a VR based school simulation to be used in IIPT to promote successful return to school. 




Karina Khanna - Boston Children's Hospital (Massachusetts, USA) , Deirdre Logan - Boston Children's Hospital (Massachusetts , USA) , Logan McLennan - Tufts University , Sara Merisier - Tufts University
