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The International Association for the Study of Pain
Meg Foundation

Meg Foundation

Denver, CO

About Meg Foundation

The Meg Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to empowering kids and families with the skills, strategies, and support they need to manage pain and medical anxiety. The practice of pain management is decades behind the research, which means every day kids hurt when they don't need to. We believe that needless pain is both fundamentally wrong AND a solvable problem.
Our vision is a world free of unnecessary suffering that has closed the gap between science and clinical practice. A world where every child, family, and medical provider has the skills, information, and tools they need to understand, prevent and manage pain.
We combine the power of science, technology, and design to put power into the hands of kids and families - when they need it and where they need it, anywhere in the world. We give people not just information, but a path to self advocacy and action. Our mantra is that knowledge is not necessarily power, but the ability to use it and turn into real change is.

This is possible because of the collective efforts made by our world class team of experts. They take decades of pain management research and translate them into beautifully designed tools that are give kids, families, and healthcare professionals pain and anxiety management skills they need to turn knowledge into action.

All our tools are freely available for anyone to use, and are available in several languages, with more on the way.
Collaboration is core to our mission. We all know that we can do more together than we ever can alone. From small pediatrician offices to major international health organizations, collaborating with our partners increases their impact and ours. We are continuing to grow our national and international relationships with organizations like ChildKind International, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Department of Health and Human services, and NGOs working in refugee camps. In addition, we continue to prioritize support to local health organizations and independent practices knowing they are the trusted voices in their own communities. If you are intested in learning more about how you can benefit from partnering with us, please reach out! 

We have many resources for procedural, acute, and chronic pain. They are are freely available for anyone to use. Explore and find out more here:
Our goals:
Empower kids, families, and healthcare providers.
Prevent unnecessary suffering and trauma.
Transform the way the world thinks about pain.

Meg Foundation Team


Quick guide for parents and caregivers for helping kids manage procedural pain. Also available in other languages on the website.
This interactive eBook makes it easy to learn all the ways our free pain management resources can be used to make life easier for you and your patients.
Printable guide for helping kids and families develop a coping plan. Also available in other languages on the website. Also goes with the SuperMeg interactive tech Poke Planner available here: