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The International Association for the Study of Pain

Closing Plenary: Distinguished Career Award Lecture



3:30 pm

04 October 2023

Ballroom B3

Session Description

Speaker: Elliot Krane

At the conclusion of a four-decade career in pediatric pain management and pediatric anesthesiology, this talk will give a retrospective of what the speaker sees as some of the important advancements in the management of pain in children and a glimpse into the crystal ball, describing some innovations still in the pipeline that may come to fruition in the coming years that will further push the envelope in treating children with pain.

Learning Objectives:
1. Upon completion, the participant will be better able to understand where pediatric pain management began and how it came to its present state.
2. Upon completion, the participant will be better able to appreciate the contributions of some of the thought leaders that allowed the specialty to evolve and mature.
3. Upon completion, the participant will be better able to anticipate some of the new technology, drugs, and techniques that may further benefit and advance the treatment of pediatric pain.

