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The International Association for the Study of Pain

Patient and Family Perspectives for Improving Perioperative Care and Pain Management



1:45 pm

02 October 2023

Room 507

Intended Audiences

Clinical Research

Session Description

Millions of children undergo routine and major surgical interventions annually, which confer risk for short and long term impact (i.e. persistent pain, opioid misuse, decreases in mental health). Negative health-related outcomes following surgery are addressable and preventable, yet there remains a dearth of developmentally-tailored psychosocial and educational interventions to optimize pediatric post-surgical outcomes. Understanding perspectives and treatment needs of individuals and systems involved in delivering or receiving perioperative psychosocial interventions is optimal for intervention development to increase the likelihood that the content and format are acceptable and feasible for use in real-world treatment settings.  This symposium focuses on the application of diverse methodologies (qualitative, quantitative, meta-analysis) to assess patient, family, and provider perspectives on improving perioperative pain care and education. Studies consider intervention needs across the continuum of surgical severity and focus on multiple treatment targets identified in biopsychosocial conceptual frameworks of pediatric perioperative care (substance use, mental health, parent education). Additionally, findings from an updated systematic review and meta-analysis evaluating the effectiveness of existing psychosocial interventions for pediatric perioperative pain will be presented for consideration in relation to patient and provider identified treatment needs/preferences. The session will conclude with an interactive discussion of future directions for perioperative intervention development. 

